
Monday, 3 March 2014

Essay on Usual Person

My friend is a very interesting character. Caring, considerate, funny and crazy are just s few word I could use to describe my friend. Each day is exciting and interesting when it is spent with him. My friend Ruchita, is by far the most unusual person I know

Ruchita is very playful. He often reminds me of a little kid. I think the most attractive aspect of him is his ability to laugh and have fun. Ruchita does not let me tease him without getting back at me, and most of the time it is twice the payback. Sometimes If I am in the bathroom getting ready for the day and he is in the shower, he will toss handfuls of water out at me. I act like it bothers me but in actuality I think it is wonderful. He also thinks that he is a pro wrestler and I am his opponent. I never win of course, but it is fun trying. Ruchita also knows that I am very jumpy and I can be scared easily. Because he has this information he often hides behind the corner only to jump out and scare me when I walk by, it works every time.

Ruchita is by far the most unusual person I know. But, to me that is wonderful. How much fun is it to be with people who are all the same? Everyday is very exciting with a friend like Ruchita.

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